
Sobre nós

Sobre nós

Nossa cultura é a unificação de People&IA

"Transformamos o futuro ao integrar perfeitamente Inteligência Artificial e Tecnologias Web3."

US$ 45.3MM

economia gerada em 2024

US$ 45.3MM

economia gerada em 2024

US$ 45.3MM

economia gerada em 2024

US$ 45.3MM

economia gerada em 2024

4 Países

países e em expansão

4 Países

países e em expansão

4 Países

países e em expansão

4 Países

países e em expansão

156k tokens

processados aprimorando IA e LLM

156k tokens

processados aprimorando IA e LLM

156k tokens

processados aprimorando IA e LLM

156k tokens

processados aprimorando IA e LLM

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission

"Empoderando a Inovação Através de Tecnologia de Ponta"

"Empoderando a Inovação Através de Tecnologia de Ponta"

"Na data7, nosso objetivo é fechar a lacuna entre Inteligência Artificial e Web3, criando uma integração perfeita que capacita tanto empresas quanto indivíduos. Estamos dedicados a desenvolver soluções que não são apenas inovadoras, mas também práticas, possibilitando um futuro em que a tecnologia trabalhe em harmonia para resolver problemas do mundo real."

Estamos apoiando grandes lideres do setor de tecnologia no desenvolvimento de produtos.





Nossos pilares e valores

Guiados por principios mantendo a visão


"Estamos comprometidos em expandir os limites do que é possível, explorando constantemente novas fronteiras em tecnologias de IA e Web3."


"Estamos comprometidos em expandir os limites do que é possível, explorando constantemente novas fronteiras em tecnologias de IA e Web3."


"Estamos comprometidos em expandir os limites do que é possível, explorando constantemente novas fronteiras em tecnologias de IA e Web3."


"Estamos comprometidos em expandir os limites do que é possível, explorando constantemente novas fronteiras em tecnologias de IA e Web3."


"A honestidade e a transparência estão no coração de nossas operações, garantindo confiança e confiabilidade em tudo o que fazemos."


"A honestidade e a transparência estão no coração de nossas operações, garantindo confiança e confiabilidade em tudo o que fazemos."


"A honestidade e a transparência estão no coração de nossas operações, garantindo confiança e confiabilidade em tudo o que fazemos."


"A honestidade e a transparência estão no coração de nossas operações, garantindo confiança e confiabilidade em tudo o que fazemos."


Nosso foco é fazer a diferença de maneira significativa, aproveitando a tecnologia para enfrentar desafios do mundo real e melhorar vidas.


Nosso foco é fazer a diferença de maneira significativa, aproveitando a tecnologia para enfrentar desafios do mundo real e melhorar vidas.


Nosso foco é fazer a diferença de maneira significativa, aproveitando a tecnologia para enfrentar desafios do mundo real e melhorar vidas.


Nosso foco é fazer a diferença de maneira significativa, aproveitando a tecnologia para enfrentar desafios do mundo real e melhorar vidas.


Acreditamos no poder do trabalho em equipe, promovendo uma cultura onde ideias diversificadas se unem para criar soluções superiores


Acreditamos no poder do trabalho em equipe, promovendo uma cultura onde ideias diversificadas se unem para criar soluções superiores


Acreditamos no poder do trabalho em equipe, promovendo uma cultura onde ideias diversificadas se unem para criar soluções superiores


Acreditamos no poder do trabalho em equipe, promovendo uma cultura onde ideias diversificadas se unem para criar soluções superiores

Nosso backoffice

Nosso backoffice

Nosso backoffice

Nosso backoffice

é tudo sobre pessoas

Innovative team behind our amazing product

John Doe

Chief Executive Officer

John Doe

Chief Executive Officer

John Doe

Chief Executive Officer

John Doe

Chief Executive Officer

Jane Smith

Chief Technology Officer

Jane Smith

Chief Technology Officer

Jane Smith

Chief Technology Officer

Jane Smith

Chief Technology Officer

Richard Roe

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Roe

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Roe

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Roe

Chief Financial Officer

Emily Davis

Chief Operating Officer

Emily Davis

Chief Operating Officer

Emily Davis

Chief Operating Officer

Emily Davis

Chief Operating Officer

Michael Johnson

VP of Engineering

Michael Johnson

VP of Engineering

Michael Johnson

VP of Engineering

Michael Johnson

VP of Engineering





Entre para o time

Faça parte do novo amanhã com tecnologia

Quer estar na frente e participar de projetos de IA, Dados e Desenvolvimento de software ?

Quer estar na frente e participar de projetos de IA, Dados e Desenvolvimento de software ?

Conheça mais as nossas vagas!

Conheça mais as nossas vagas!

Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer at Fargo, you will be at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that integrate AI and Web3 technologies. You'll work with a team of skilled professionals to design, implement, and optimize high-performance software systems.

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Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer at Fargo, you will be at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that integrate AI and Web3 technologies. You'll work with a team of skilled professionals to design, implement, and optimize high-performance software systems.

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Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer at Fargo, you will be at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that integrate AI and Web3 technologies. You'll work with a team of skilled professionals to design, implement, and optimize high-performance software systems.

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Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer at Fargo, you will be at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that integrate AI and Web3 technologies. You'll work with a team of skilled professionals to design, implement, and optimize high-performance software systems.

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Product Manager

The Product Manager role involves overseeing the development and launch of new products. You will work closely with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure our solutions meet market needs and drive business growth.

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Product Manager

The Product Manager role involves overseeing the development and launch of new products. You will work closely with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure our solutions meet market needs and drive business growth.

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Product Manager

The Product Manager role involves overseeing the development and launch of new products. You will work closely with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure our solutions meet market needs and drive business growth.

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Product Manager

The Product Manager role involves overseeing the development and launch of new products. You will work closely with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure our solutions meet market needs and drive business growth.

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Blockchain Developer

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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Blockchain Developer

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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Blockchain Developer

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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Blockchain Developer

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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PowerPlatform Develioper

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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PowerPlatform Develioper

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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PowerPlatform Develioper

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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PowerPlatform Develioper

As a Blockchain Developer, you'll be responsible for creating and implementing decentralized applications. You'll need a deep understanding of blockchain technology and experience in smart contract development, ensuring our Web3 solutions are robust and secure.

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